Embrace Growth is a unique educational company, Serving Los Angeles, Toronto, Hamburg, London, Paris, Yerevan & Dubai. We educate students for both business and personal development. Our purpose is to promote excellence in families, careers and communities by mentoring men & women to fulfill their highest potential as mature leaders so that their love and respect for humanity leaves a Legacy of Honor for future generations.
We work with clients privately in our offices or by telephone and Skype. Our primary focus is working with groups through seminars, workshops, TV shows and tele-conferencing.
Our name is a suggestion to accept and embrace life’s inevitable challenges as an opportunity for Personal Growth.
The Guiding Principles of Our Teachings
Never follow traditions because everyone else does. What worked in the past may no longer be relevant. Have the courage to find your own way.
Without honesty there is no hope for intimacy. Honor your relationships by being honest with your Love ones. Honor your life by being honest with yourself.
Embrace life exactly as it is. Your greatest challenges are there for you to discover Inner resources and reveal your greatest gifts. Challenges are opportunities for growth.
It’s an addiction. Take the path of least resistance and you’ll find that life does not have to be so hard.
Responsibility is the path to true freedom. Responsibility isn’t something you accept, it’s a privilege you claim. It’s a stand you take to empower yourself.
Gratitude and appreciation are like water and sunshine to a to any relationship. Without it love dies. You want and need it, so do others.
You are here for reason. You have unique talents and gifts that only you can deliver. Each of us is a piece of humanity’s genius. Sharing your gift is the source of Joy and satisfaction. Living means fulfilling your purpose.
Contribution is the source of well-being
If you want to know what you’re committed to, look around. Your life right now, is result of commitments that you have made and kept. At every moment you are either living by your commitments or your addictions. You will know who you are by the commitments that you are willing to make and keep.
We create innovative programs that include TV shows, Private Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Seminars, Workshops, Books, CDs and DVDs.
A sample of our ever incresing programs include items such as:
Dr. Azita Sayan
Dr. Azita Sayan
12 Secrets of Love in Relationships – Farsi – دوازده رمز عشق آفرینی در رابطه – فارسی
Dr. Azita Sayan
Dr. Azita Sayan
Passion & Intimacy – Farsi – شور و صمیمیت در روابط نزدیک – فارسی
Dr. Azita Sayan
Dr. Azita Sayan
People from all walks of life take our programs and achieve results beyond their highest expectations. Our clients include Doctors, Lawyers, homemakers, teachers, troubled teens and parents, battered and abused women, husbands, fathers and businessmen.
Our students learn to develop their own inner knowledge, wisdom and creativity with increased sensitivity and heightened awareness.
We have helped our clients to completely eradicate a variety of issues including the following.
A partial scope includes:
– Relationship issues
– Depression
– Phobias
– Weight loss
– Smoking
– Addictions – drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling and eating disorders
– Indecision
– Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
– Stammering
– Travel sickness
– Insomnia
– Marriage selection
– Divorce
– Infidelity
– Sexual abuse